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Postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, CA

Research Interests

Metacognition, memory, metamemory, learning, belief

Academic Appointments

2024 - present

Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University

  • Advisor: Tobias Gerstenberg


2019 - 2024

PhD, University of Waterloo, Cognitive Psychology

  • Advisors: Evan F. Risko and Colin M. MacLeod


Graduate Diploma in Computational Data Analytics for the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Waterloo

2017 - 2019

Dartmouth College, Psychological and Brain Sciences

  • Advisor: Sean H. Kang

2015 - 2017

M.Soc.Sci, National University of Singapore, Psychology

  • Advisor: Trevor B. Penney

2011 - 2015

B.Soc.Sci. (2nd Upper Honours), National University of Singapore, Psychology


Published/In Press

  • Kelly, M. O., Karimjee, B., Pereira, A.E., Lu, X., & Risko, E.F. (forthcoming). Does expecting external memory support cost recognition memory? Memory & Cognition.
  • Lu, X., Wang, J., & MacLeod, C.M. (2025). Production increases both true and false recognition. Journal of Memory and Language, 140, 104584.
  • Risko, E.F., Kelly, M.O., Lu, X., & Pereira, A.E. (2024). Varieties of offloading memory: A framework. In Q. Wang & A. Hoskins (Eds.), The remaking of memory in the age of social media and the Internet. Oxford University Press.
  • Kelly, M. O., Lu, X., Ensor, T. M., MacLeod, C. M., & Risko, E.F. (2024). Productions need not match study items to confer a production advantage, but it helps. Experimental Psychology. Advance online publication.
  • Lu, X.†, Zhu, M.J.H.†, & Risko, E.F. (2024). Semantic partitioning facilitates memory for object location through category-partition cueing. Memory, 32(4), 411-430.
  • Lu, X., Zhu, M.J.H., & Risko, E.F. (2024). Semantic relatedness can impair memory for item locations. Psychological Research, 88(3), 861-879.
  • Kang, S.H.K, Eglington, L.G., Schuetze, B.A., Lu, X., Hinterstoisser, T.M., & Huaco, J. (2023). Using Cognitive Science and Technology to Enhance Financial Education: The Effect of Spaced Retrieval Practice. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 34(1), 20-31.
  • Kelly, M.O., Ensor, T.M., Lu, X., MacLeod, C.M., & Risko, E.F. (2022). Reducing retrieval time modulates the production effect: Empirical evidence and computational accounts. Journal of Memory and Language, 123, 104299.
  • Pereira, A.E., Kelly, M.O., Lu, X., & Risko, E.F. (2022). On our susceptibility to external memory store manipulation: Examining the influence of perceived reliability and expected access to an external store. Memory, 30(4), 412-428.
  • Lu, X., Kelly, M.O., & Risko, E.F. (2022). The gist of it: Offloading memory does not reduce the benefit of list categorization. Memory, 30(4), 396-411.
  • Lu, X., Penney, T.B., & Kang, S.H.K. (2021). Category similarity affects study choices in self-regulated learning. Memory & Cognition, 49(1), 67–82.
  • Lu, X., Kelly, M.O., & Risko, E.F. (2020). Offloading information to an external store increases false recall. Cognition, 205, 104428.

Under review

  • Lu, X. & Risko, E.F. The relatedness halo in predictions of learning. Submitted to Metacognition and Learning. META-D-25-00018
  • Lu, X., Bhandari, B., & Risko, E.F. How do metamemory beliefs change with experience? A constructive, cue-dependent framework. Submitted to Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. XLM-2024-0130
  • Lu, X., & MacLeod, C. M. Production influences both implicit and explicit memory. Submitted to Memory & Cognition. MC-ORIG-24-342

In prep

  • Lu, X. & Risko, E.F. Metacognitive belief consistency.
  • Lu, X. & Risko, E.F. Metamemory belief structure.
  • Lu, X. & Risko, E.F. Cognitive offloading and directed forgetting.
  • Lu, X. & Risko, E.F. The effect of typing on cognitive offloading.



  • Bhandari, B.^*, Lu, X., Risko, E.F. (2023, May). Metamemory belief change: Investigating how the relatedness benefit belief is influenced by study experience. Talk presented at the 53rd Annual Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference, Windsor, ON.
  • Lu, X.^ & Risko, E.F. (2022, July). Examining the ‘relatedness halo’ in predictions of learning. Talk presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, Halifax, NS.
  • Risko, E.F.^, Kelly, M.O., Lu, X., Ensor, T.M., & MacLeod, C.M. (2022, July). Examining the influence of the target production relation on the production effect. Talk presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, Halifax, NS.
  • Pereira, A.E.^, Kelly, M.O., Lu, X., & Risko, E.F. (2021, July). Influences of Perceived Reliability and Expected Access to an External Store on Vulnerability to External Store Manipulation. Talk presented at the Cognitive Offloading Meeting (Online).
  • Risko, E.F.^, Lu, X., Kelly, M.O., & Pereira, A.E. (2020, November). Cognitive offloading and prospective memory. Talk presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (Online).
  • Kelly, M.O.^ & Lu, X.^ (2020, June; cancelled due to COVID19). The production effect and retrieval time. Talk accepted at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, Burnaby, BC.


  • Lu, X.^ & Risko, E.F. (2023, November). On the stability of our metamemory beliefs. Poster to be presented at the 64rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA.
  • Lu, X.^ & Risko, E.F. (2022, November). Examining the ‘relatedness halo’ in predictions of learning. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
  • Lu, X.^†, Zhu, M.J.H.†, & Risko, E.F. (2022, July). Semantically homogenous item displays benefit memory for object recall but not object location. Poster presented at the 44nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, ON.
  • Lu, X.^, Kelly, M.O., & Risko, E.F. (2021, November). Saved but not forgotten? Comparing the effects of instructions to offload versus to forget. Poster presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA (Online).
  • Lu, X.^, Kelly, M.O., & Risko, E.F. (2021, July). To type or not to type: The cost of offloading memory is unchanged by the act of typing. Poster presented at the Cognitive Offloading Meeting (Online).
  • Lu, X.^†, Zhu, M.J.H.†, & Risko, E.F. (2021, July). The effect of semantic categorization on object location memory. Poster presented at the 43nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Online).
  • Pereira, A.E., Kelly, M.O., Lu, X., & Risko, E.F. (2021, July). The perception of reduced reliability in an external store reduces vulnerability to its manipulation. Poster presented at the 43nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Online).
  • Lu, X.^, Kelly, M.O., & Risko, E.F. (2021, June). Offloading memory does not reduce the benefit of list categorization. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (Online).
  • Lu, X.^, & MacLeod, C.M. (2020, November). Production increases both true and false memory. Poster presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (Online).
  • Lu, X.^, Kelly, M.O., & Risko, E.F. (2020, July). Cognitive offloading increases false recall. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Online).
  • Kelly, M.O.^, Lu, X., Risko, E.F., & MacLeod, C.M. (2020, July). Reducing retrieval time modulates the production effect. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Online).
  • Lu, X.^, Coch, D., & Kang, S.H.K. (2019, November). Differential effects of blocked and interleaved training on a same-different category judgment task. Poster presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montreal, QC.
  • Kang, S.H.K., Eglington, L. G.^, Schuetze, B. A.^, Lu, X., Huaco, J., & Hinterstoisser, T.M. (2019, November). Using Cognitive Science and Technology to Enhance Financial Education. Poster presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montreal, QC.
  • Lu, X.^, Penney, T.B., & Kang, S.H.K. (2018, November). Self-regulated Category Learning: Learners Are Sensitive to Category Structure. Poster presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA.
  • Chen, A.^*, Kasireddy, N.^*, Fang, D.^*, Kuczmarski, T., Lu, X., Mullins, D.W., Kang, S.H.K. (2018, May). The benefit of spaced retrieval practice for medical students’ retention and transfer of basic science knowledge. Poster presented at the 27th Wetterhahn Science Symposium, Hanover, NH.
  • Lu, X.^, Kang, S.H.K., & Penney, T.B. (2018, May). Interleaving or blocking in category learning? It may depend on cognitive load. Poster presented at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

† denotes equal contribution(s)

^ denotes presenting author(s)

* denotes supervised undergraduate student


2019 - 2024

Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo

  • Winter 2024: Psychology of Economic Decisions - PSYCH 470
  • Fall 2023: Advanced Analysis of Variance - PSYCH 630
  • Winter 2023: Special Topics in Psychology: Data Analysis & Graphing in R - PSYCH 640
  • Winter 2022: Psychological Measurement – PSYCH 492
  • Spring 2021: Applied Topics in Psychology – PSYCH 470
  • Fall 2020: Advanced Data Analysis – PSYCH 391
  • Fall 2019: Cognitive Processes – PSYCH 207


Instructor, University of Waterloo

  • Fall 2022: Cognitive Processes – PSYCH 207 (Instructor of Record)


Graduate Teaching Assistant, Dartmouth College

  • Fall 2018: Experimental Design, Methodology, and Data Analysis Procedures – PSYC 10

2015 - 2017

Graduate Teaching Assistant, National University of Singapore

  • Spring 2017: Learning and Conditioning – PL3248
  • Spring 2017: Psychology in Everyday Life – PLB1201
  • Fall 2016: Introduction to Psychology – PL1101E
  • Fall 2016: Cognitive Psychology – PL3233
  • Spring 2016: Learning and Conditioning – PL3248
  • Spring 2016: Social Psychology – PL3235
  • Fall 2015: Cognitive Psychology – PL3233


2019 – 2024

University of Waterloo

Mentored undergraduate theses: Bhumika Bhandari, Shayla Rose, Rachel Lui.

Mentored undergraduate researchers: Aisling (Ash) Sampson, Hyacinth Raymundo, Batul Karimjee, Ang Gai, Jocelyn Cheng, Brinda Patel, Amanda Pileggi.

Taught a 10 week workshop on JavaScript programming for psychology experiments on the web. [link]

2017 – 2019

Dartmouth College

Mentored undergraduate researchers: Autumn Diggs, Amanda Chen, Nandita Kasireddy, Danielle Fang, Selin Capan.

Awards and Distinctions


NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, $140,000

Doctoral Thesis Completion Award

University of Waterloo, $4,000


Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, $105,000

President’s Graduate Scholarship

University of Waterloo, $30,000

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Province of Ontario, $15,000 (declined)


Arts Senate Graduate Scholarship

University of Waterloo, $750

Policy Datafest Competition Runner-up Award

University of Waterloo, $500 [As seen on Arts News]


Doctoral Entrance Award

University of Waterloo, $5,000 (declined)


Graduate Student Teaching Award

National University of Singapore, $100

2015 - 2017

Tuition Fee Award

National University of Singapore, $24,000

Technical Skills

Programming Languages R, Python, JavaScript, MATLAB, SQL, bash/shell

Data Analysis General and generalized linear (mixed) models, Generalized estimating equations, Structural equation modeling, Multidimensional scaling, Cluster analysis, Machine learning

Experiment Presentation PsychoPy, jsPsych, psychtoolbox

Web Development HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap

Other Relevant Employment


Graduate Research Assistant, Cognition and Natural Behaviour Lab

  • Literature review in collaboration with industry partner

Graduate Research Assistant, Besner Lab

  • JavaScript experiment programming


Graduate Research Assistant, Memory, Attention and Cognition Lab

  • JavaScript and R programming


Graduate Research Assistant, Cognition and Natural Behaviour Lab

  • JavaScript experiment programming


Undergraduate Research Assistant, Brain and Behavior Lab

  • Running EEG experiments
  • Data cleaning and analysis (MATLAB)


Ad-hoc Reviewer

Applied Cognitive Psychology | Brain and Cognition

Cognition | Memory & Cognition | Memory | Neuropsychology

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